

Cookies Policy

In compliance with the relevant European Directive e-Privacy 2009/136 / ΣΕ our website ( uses “cookies”. Cookies are online “tools” for collecting and analyzing information from cooperating third party websites or social networking platforms, in order to measure traffic, improve the operation, content and overall appearance of our website and adapt to the needs of our customers.

By using our website, you agree (opt-in) with the processing of your personal data collected by search engines or social networks, such as e.g. Google Analytics, Facebook social plug-ins, Google+ etc. (in which there is no involvement, influence or control by our Center) and which are transmitted either inside or outside the European Economic Area (28 EU Member States plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), for which such third parties are solely responsible.

If you do not wish third parties, such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. to receive information from your browser, when you visit the Company’s websites you can opt out by making the corresponding option provided by the respective User Policy on the website of those means.

Although most browsers automatically accept the use of cookies, you can always change the settings on your computer by choosing not to accept cookies, or being asked to accept each of them separately. But be aware that this will limit the range of browsing capabilities available to you on any web site.